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Stanford is stepping up financial aid: http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/c/a/2008/02/20/... No tuition if your folks make < $100k. Full ride if they make < $60k. No more student loans so debt can be removed if you live within your means.

Aside from the great CS education and networking, the location is really key. How many places in the world can a student attend entrepreneurial and hacking-type events every week (for free)? The local events may be too distracting (need to work!), but if I were a student again, I'd rather have the opportunities to pick & choose. Example: YC Startup School.

I fully realize that other schools can be great and also have students just as good or better than Stanford. [I loved my time at Univ of Virginia.] But if the question is "best" environment for an aspiring tech entrepreneur, I think it's got to be here.

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