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>The above is a direct quote from OP. Where's the metaphor? You're grossly mistaken!

I interpret that as I would my example "the best defence is a good offence". It's an out-of-category example given for rhetorical effect.

Perhaps I'm mistaken and that's not what OP meant, but I don't see why you're so certain about it.

>Can sleep gives one supranormal cognition?

Yes if you define "normal" as not getting enough sleep, which is the relevant reference point in this context.

>The sleep conversation is above everything else. It takes focus from the subject at hand.

So collapse that thread and move on. Apparently other people are interested in talking about sleep though.


I don't think this interpretation is improbable, otherwise I wouldn't be suggesting it.

And my points have not changed, all I've done is clarify them.

I'm pretty sure the person you were arguing with is trolling. There's no way someone could be so socially inept to take the op's point so literally.


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