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What makes me nervous about this is that the antibiotic resistance paranoia will die out, and we'll just start using more antibiotics again.

It's not unlikely.

But it's not really paranoia, though, as antibiotic resistance poses a real threat.

Just because you're paranoid doesn't mean there really aren't those (diseases) out to get you...

Alternatively -- are you paranoid enough?

(Ah, this is the same old news first published last year, iirc. This was from January. This is from January 2015: http://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/health-and-families/... )

Edit: To see more discussion over the last 18 months, google: teixobactin site:news.ycombinator.com. This seems the biggest story: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=8852487

I don't see how what you write is relevant; paranoia is unreasonable by its definition [1], as opposed to rational fear.

[1]: http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/paranoia

You _almost_ got the joke, better than expected for a Norwegian. :-)

For people outside of this mutual admiration society:

This is funny since I'm Swedish -- Swedes/Norwegians used to tell bad "racist" jokes about each others. The level was really low, like "Why don't they use underwear when picking strawberries in Oslo? To keep the flies out of the face."

(I always thought those were extra funny, since a relative of mine got promoted to general major for killing lots of Swedes in war in Norway a few centuries ago. :-) )


I got the gist of it, dear svenskejævel, but I mistook your sarcasm for bona fide paranoia ;)

As for intra-Scandinavian relations: I think we can all agree that the Danes are the worst of us - and their language is just ridiculous [1].

[1]: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s-mOy8VUEBk

For the non Scandinavians:

Denmark is an old trade nation. When you do business with them, some innocent paragraphs in the contract usually end up with them earning lots more. And they think that is a bit too funny.

At least, that is how the rest of the Nordic countries tend see them.

Also, they are too friendly and too often in a good mood. Weird people, especially my relatives down there. They could almost be called "normal Europeans", or something. Probably get too much sun in the winter.

(Most wars in Europe between two countries weren't France/England, it was Denmark/Sweden. Norway used to fight with the Danes. No one likes the Swedes, not even themselves.)

Edit: I might add that the oil could probably have happened to nicer people, but the Norwegians really deserved a break after a hard history with bad farming and bad neighbours. :-)

Edit 2: Sorry for chatting about irrelevant subjects on HN. Down votes are humbly accepted.

Perhaps, but it is not like there is a significant wave of new antibiotics being discovered now.

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