It varies depending on the bank. Public banks cost far less than private banks. Once you figure out which type of bank you want to use you really have to look closely at individual banks. Where do they store the tissue? What is their financial situation? How many successful transplants have been done with tissue that they've stored? Even the collection kit varies, with CBR claiming to be able to collect up to 30% more stem cells.
We ended up choosing CBR because if the collection doesn't meet a certain threshold you have the option to get a refund or store it anyway. They also guarantee a successful transplant or your money back plus $50000. It cost us just under $2000. We hope it's money thrown away, but if we ever need it it's a small price to pay.
Some banks can also store cord tissue. The way it was explained to me is that the tissue can be used for all the things the blood can be used for, but there's a much better chance it will be a match for the father. Apparently, the chances of the stem cells from the blood being a match for the father are quite low.
That said, I'm having some second thoughts based on some of the things I'm reading here. We have a few more weeks before delivery.
We ended up choosing CBR because if the collection doesn't meet a certain threshold you have the option to get a refund or store it anyway. They also guarantee a successful transplant or your money back plus $50000. It cost us just under $2000. We hope it's money thrown away, but if we ever need it it's a small price to pay.
Some banks can also store cord tissue. The way it was explained to me is that the tissue can be used for all the things the blood can be used for, but there's a much better chance it will be a match for the father. Apparently, the chances of the stem cells from the blood being a match for the father are quite low.
That said, I'm having some second thoughts based on some of the things I'm reading here. We have a few more weeks before delivery.
Here's a table of banks and estimated costs: