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[dupe] Dropbox employee’s password reuse led to theft of 60M+ user credentials (techcrunch.com)
294 points by lxm on Aug 31, 2016 | hide | past | favorite | 101 comments

It was pretty neat to read Troy's line there about sending emails out near the end, raise an eyebrow, tap over to my inbox and hear an immediate and satisfying ding. I highly recommend the HIBP service, hiding your e-mail from showing up in public searches (important for opsec), and donating whatever you can to Troy.

Truly essential service and I'd be happy to pay more. Even with good password discipline it's useful knowledge on your exposure.

~It's pretty shocking that the SHA1-hashed passwords weren't salted.~

Edit: I misread the article. It says the leaked hashes were salted, but the leak didn't include the salts.

Are you referring to "the bcrypt accounts include the salt whilst the SHA1 accounts don't"?

I think he's saying that the leak didn't include the salts.

This is a really good reason to be careful about what you log to log analytics platforms. I just recently implemented an ETL system that has the credentials (along with other stuff about the job) for data access passed into it from a PaaS framework. While I want to log the information, I don't want to log my DB connection strings! It's very easy to overlook such things and produce them as part of application logging/exhaust without realizing it, especially now that we have mass adoption of things like Splunk, Logg.ly, CloudFront, Cortana Analytics, Elmah.IO, LogEntries, Seq, and a dozen others.

> It's very easy to overlook such things and produce them as part of application logging/exhaust without realizing it

Very true. It is a constant battle between debuggability and not leaking credentials.

In Erlang for example, when processes crash they dump their state, their neighbours, links to other processes, and other such useful stuff. That's very helpful, however it means it could dump credentials as well.

Luckily there a custom function to format the state of a process http://erlang.org/doc/man/gen_server.html#Module:format_stat... which helps with that. But have to implement that each process which holds credentials.

Also some of those log ingesting services provide a pre-indexer credentials filtering. I know Splunk has it:


Of course it is better if it is filtered out before that. But it could be a safety net perhaps.

>Very true. It is a constant battle between debuggability and not leaking credentials.

And there are so many ways of getting bitten.

Another anecdote for you:

I recently found out that an API wasn't logging errors anywhere.

Easy enough to fix, plug in a library and bam, everything is nicely logged to the database.

Including the HTTP headers.

Headers that include API auth tokens.


I'm actually fixing an issue with this right now. My logging framework is capturing user passwords, so I've delayed the release one day while I blacklist certain known-sensitive information from the capture.

> while I blacklist certain known-sensitive information

Is there any way you can take the opposite approach and whitelist stuff to include?

That way you don't have to worry about stuff sneaking in in the future.

(not that blacklisting has ever bitten me in the behind before, no siree...)

Generally a good approach when it comes to security- default to no access. Much safer in the even of programmer error, misconfiguration, etc.

Alternatively use managed service accounts. You shouldn't even know or be able to expose the db connection credentials - let AD manage that for you. This is Windows specific advice and obviously doesn't count if your services don't support this (log a bug in the product if it doesn't).

Also Linux kernel logs. Kernel ASLR requires kernel addresses to be secret, yet dmesg is full of them sometimes and you usually ship those out over unencrypted syslog.

Completely agree. Here's another example: BitDefender (antivirus) passes your email and MD5 of your password in the hash when you want to go to your dashboard. When I contacted them more than 1 year ago about it, their "senior e-threat analyst" said it's nothing to worry about. Absolutely ridiculous.

What to do when the company is ignorant and continues to use something as stupid as that?

For this reason, and others (version control, backups), I think we need to move to key authentication, ring of trust, etc.

Its [Current Year] and [Semi-Respectable Tech Blog] still doesn't know the difference between encryption and hashing.

> Because Dropbox stores its user passwords encrypted [...]

> [...] batch of encrypted passwords [...]

> [...] from using the encryption algorithm SHA-1

> Some of the stolen passwords were encrypted with SHA-1, while 32 million were encrypted with bcrypt

> The passwords were also secured with a salt, a random data string added to strengthen the encryption.

> it does not appear that the encryption protecting them has been cracked.

I know it's completely tangential and I'm just nitpicking but damn that does bother me more than it should.

Does it matter in this context? What tangible benefit is there for end-use, those that need education the most, to know the difference?

Because $deity forbid that someone would actually learn something when reading news.

> Does it matter in this context?

Yes, yes it matters. Correctness matters. Falsehood is wrong.

I think everyone should know what password hashing is. You wouldn't buy a car without airbags.

You wouldn't have an e-mail account without authentication.

You WOULD have an e-mail account without knowing how password hashing works. You WOULD buy a car without knowing how airbag works.

If you think you know everything about every aspect of everything you interact with, you're so clueless you don't even realise.

I think it's worth making a distinction between knowing what password is and knowing how it works. I just think it should be on the list of security features of a service just like airbags should be on the list of features of a car, and people should have some idea of what it is and why it's important to have.

Of course, any site can claim to have hashing but not actually do it or implement it terribly. The same is true for airbags, but for that we have regulations....

This reply seems a little unhinged in comparison to the preceding comment.

The preceding comment suggested that using a website without understanding authentication is like buying a car that has no airbags. That's unhinged. You know those "IQ tests" where they go "the foot is to the leg like the hand is to the..." type analogies? This person would fail hard.

Quote: "Dropbox was moving away from using the encryption algorithm SHA-1"

I know the article explicitly and consistently says 'encryption' everywhere. I simply cannot fathom that they were encrypting instead of hashing. While I suppose it's possible that the SHA-1 versions were encrypted, I refuse to believe that the dropbox security team would transition from that to bcrypt 2-directional encryption over bcrypt 1-directional hashing. With that assumption I find it safe to say the tech journalist is being inaccurate.

> "it does not appear that the encryption protecting them has been cracked"

Please Techcrunch, you are making it sound like you are talking about actual encryption while you are really talking about hashing. From that sentence people would believe that it takes a single "crack" to get them all.

The magic of bcrypt (and hashing in general) is that probably some low-hanging fruits have been picked already while any non-trivial password remains secure.

And worse, when you actually need to talk about someone screwing up and encrypting passwords (see http://www.xkcd.com/1286/ ), this mis-education of your readers will have to be carefully undone first.

Not at all surprising. Maybe things have improved, but Dropbox's security was a total joke in 2011-2012. Remember "no password day"? https://techcrunch.com/2011/06/20/dropbox-security-bug-made-...

Glad I deleted my account a while back.

Hopefully all these clouds will pass over and we can get back to personal computing.

I dropped it after reading http://www.drop-dropbox.com/

Because you really like conflating politics with software?

Software is more tightly coupled with politics than you think.

Why not just encrypt everything in Dropbox?

I did too, but I'm not sure if it has any effects other than maybe setting a disabled flag somewhere.

Are there any decent technical measures to discourage password reuse across sites? Server generates the password?

As a recent convert, I highly recommend using a password manager (Lastpass, Dashlane, 1Password, etc.).

For sites where I don't really care about security (present company included :), I use a passphrase, usually in the form of a mnemonic. As an example, the password I may choose for this site would be "Hack_G1bson_RedPill_KungFooey" Much easier to remember and it only makes sense to me. Also, for apps like Dropbox, you better be using multi-factor authentication.

I can't do this for every site because of their tyrannical password requirements. I wish they used overall password complexity as an entropy threshold instead of 1 lower, 1 upper, etc.

I've walked away from signup at sites where I'm mildly curious, and when I go to sign up - I have a 25 char random password-safe generated string rejected as a secure password due to stupidly enforced lowest-common-denominator rules. (Or worse still, rejected as "too long").

If Im feeling "community minded" that day, I might email their contact address and tell them why I didn't complete the signup process - if I'm in a stabby mood I'll more likely just lampoon them as morons on Twitter. doubt either action on my part makes any difference.

Like paypal and their unwritten no spaces rule?

You should absolutely use a password manager and two factor auth whenever you can, but the problem is what to do as a service provider and/or employer if people won't use either of the things. A lot of people are pretty careless about their digital security and don't care for password managers or 2fa; and then of course they reuse passwords because nobody can be arsed to remember a different password for each service.

You could argue that if someone doesn't care for their digital security that's their problem, but we live in a time when one single careless employee can screw over 60 million people, as it was the case with Dropbox.

I use the 1Password Teams service, having converted from PasswordSafe, and it's excellent. Easily worth paying for. Syncing, browser integration, etc - saves a lot of pain.

Enforcing arbitrary password rules. "Must contain at least two '$' characters", "Cannot contain more than one '?'", etc.

However, I think being able to use the same stupid password on all sites I do not care about is a feature rather than a bug.

The problem with that is you never know at signup whether this site is going to be "one you don't care about" 2 or 5 years later.

I had a "stupid" multiply re-used password exposed in a breach of PerlMonks (which I didn't really care about in 2007 or so) which I also used when signing up to check out yet another new social media site in 2008. A couple of years later my Twitter account was sending Acai berry spam to my friends...

(And even if new-site-de-jour doesn't turn out to be something you stick with, it's now got your name (or regular handle) with the risk of damaging your reputation when it gets exploited without you even knowing...)

> you never know at signup whether this site is going to be "one you don't care about" 2 or 5 years later.

Yeah, I mean, my friends talked me into signing up for some stupid site back in 2005, "Face"-something? Seemed pretty trivial to me.

(IIRC in all seriousness Facebook's password requirements were hilariously trivial back when they first started.)

I recently had a fight with password selection on the Azure portal. They have some truly awful password rules, and I've ended up using something that isn't completely terrible but is much worse than normal, because I simply couldn't get it to accept anything decent.

Thinking about it, my account was added by a company using Azure, perhaps they are able to set the password restrictions for their sub-accounts...

Perhaps someone could come up with a service saying "sorry, this password has already been used somewhere on Internet, are you sure you want to proceed?". Sites would have to adopt it, a-la re-captcha

I ask, can we do away with passwords entirely? Trying to defeat computers with human memory seems like the wrong approach.

SSH keys all day. They can be troublesome for even an "expert" to look after, so I guess there's no hope for your average idiot. Still, logging in without using a password is the bomb

Keys are great until you find a sudden need to log in from your wife's cellphone or a public terminal..

opsec 101 - don't use other people's devices / machines

Do you never, ever, use devices not in your full possession?

Isn't that what you do?

If you have deals with many strangers do you not expect to get your hands dirty in some way?

I definitely don't store my SSH keys on stranger computers. I however used passwords on my relatives or customers devices on numerous occasions. Don't pretend you never did, I'm not going to believe you.

Sure, I've used other machines in the past. I prefer not to though in most circumstances and assume that any account / password that I use on said machine is compromised from then on.

This was something I changed when I realized that a tax related government agency's machine I was using about 10 years ago man in the middled SSL connections to my online banking. Who knows what was logged and what the retention on that was? I don't have time or the inclination to ensure every relative's / customer's devices are secure, so I use my own or go without.

That should be soluble though. E.g. standardized smartcards that cellphones and terminals know how to communicate with.

In theory yes, although with caveats. You'd need to match the degree of anti-tamper measures currently present in POS terminals to all consumer devices.

In practice, it would mean replacing most of the world's user-facing computer infrastructure.

You can get computers with smartcard readers from virtually every major manufacturer (except Apple, because Apple). The most frequent use case is government users who need to support the DOD Common Access Card (CAC) standard.

The card reader doesn't have to be any more tamper-resistant than the rest of the computer. On a public terminal, it should probably be built like an ATM's card slot (and the rest of the machine should be similarly armored), but on a personal computer it doesn't need to be any more robust than the keyboard a user would otherwise type passwords in with. The card-computer communication is all encrypted anyway, so even if it's built like any old USB peripheral it's still better than typing into a keyboard.

Key disclosure and key loss are things.

The first makes your public key useless for security. The second locks you out of everything.

So you've still got to have patterns-of-fraudulent-use detection, and some sort of token-reset mechanism.

Persistent data encryption is another option, but that compounds the key-loss problem in that you cannot access earlier data.

Yea this seems easy to set up. But, what about <insert generic website>? Like... HN.

I have an encrypted file with website|username|password on my laptop to allow for unique passwords across sites. But it's a pain, and definitely not something everyone will do.

SSL client certificates. If only the browser UX for them didn't suck.

We can certainly do without passwords for every stupid little website. Unless you're rightfully a central force in the user's life - say, their main bank - you really should have users log in through Google, or Facebook, or Twitter, or someone else who almost certainly can guard their passwords better than you can.

It's shameful that it's so much easier to find tutorials on how to store passwords "securely" (including several tutorials that tell you crazy insecure things, like storing with unsalted commodity hashes) than it is to find tutorials on how to integrate your brand new battling-fairies website game with OAuth for authentication.

Yes. Debian uses client-side X.509, OpenPGP and OpenSSH certificates for all service authentication (including websites).

That is just 2fac, isn't it?

Authy codes (as well as Google and Microsoft equivalents) can be the first factor, which would eliminate the need for passwords. Grandparent's question was about usage by groups and teams at the enterprise level, which Authy also supports.

I've often wondered if this is possible. I bet there's an academic paper somewhere about zero-knowledge multi-lookups or something.


I think it's going to have to be legislated:

1. Mandate that all publicly disclosed passwords are collected in a compiled set.

2. Require that any Internet service vendor check against this set on password change revisions, and against different portions of the file, as maintainable, on each authentication.

Known passwords are rejected when set, and mandate changes when detected on login.

Asking a 76 year old mostly-computer-illiterate pereson to come up with a never-been-used-before password simply doesn't work.

This also means mandating password safes on all consumer-grade OSes. Apple already does, Microsoft and Android. For Linux, you might be semi- on your own, though most distros offer several options.

I'd also like to see 2FA via a keyfob generator rather than contact token (e.g., phone, email).

Coming up with appropriate password for ordinary user's is hard enough right now.lets imagine you are not being sarcastic-for the sake of argument-, then I think it is almost impossible to create good enough password, yet rememberable.

Lastpass does this. It will warn you when saving a password, and it also warns you when loading data for an already saved password.

Don't store passwords at all if you can avoid it. Then, bend over backwards to avoid it.

Do all login through OAuth or the related proprietary "login with" mechanisms Facebook and Twitter have. Offer your users a choice of mechanism, in the signup flow, and don't require that they first set up a password that they then replace with login-with-(whatever).

If you can't imagine what this looks like, open an incognito browser and go through the signup-for-an-account flow at stackoverflow.com. That should be what you're aiming for.

There are plenty of technical solutions to this problem.

None that will not dissuade potential paying customers, though.

Yeah, I was thinking more of dissuading employees.

Well, first off you make this (USE UNIQUE PASSWORDS) part of orientation, and maybe have part of orientation involve rolling dice and using the diceware list.

Then, you reinforce that by using some sort of SSO setup/service (you can outsource this to someone like okta.com if necessary), so that all internal systems never have a place to set a password. (e.g., don't make people set up separate accounts with passwords on the corporate jira or bitbucket server)

Basically, not training people to reuse passwords internally can help them to not reuse their one internal password externally.

Another possibility is to simply buy a password manager subscription for every employee and have it as a perk. That's a per-employee overhead of $20-30/year.

the best approach is implement 2FA so you're not solely reliant on user password choice.

At scale, there's no way you'll get everyone to use good passwords. Random generation is a bad idea, users just write them down if you do that.

For server-side, that'd be OpenID.

I generate them using Apple keychain

Indeed, or any major password manager. I use lastpass, which will automatically generate (and even fill in the appropriate fields) long, random passwords. I'm sure the others have a similar option.

If two-factor authentication or single sign-on is not an option, should you force at least partly random passwords for employees to prevent password re-use?

In the past this would have been considered as bad practise, since nobody can remember that kind of passwords but nowadays it is pretty clear that everybody (in IT) is either using some password manager or reusing their passwords between systems.

(And to clarify, I'm not talking about end users of service like Dropbox, but people who are working with security sensitive stuff on the backend)

I really wish HIBH would actually send me the data related to my email. I currently have no way of know the current password except by going on to some shady website and downloading a dump. Why not provide the option to send it to the user's email address?

Ummmm, wat?

You have no way to know the password you set on sites you signed up with, except from pastes of breaches?

I don't think that's a problem Troy needs to fix...

I think he's chosen very smartly to explicitly and publicly _not_ know anything about the passwords, and only store email addresses. If you think 60mil Dropbox passwords sounds like a spectacular fail, imagine the headlines if an attacker got into HIBP and exfiltrated 1.3_billion_ passwords (or password hashes)! It's be the first "Unicorn credential breach" ;-)

Except all those credentials are public anyway, so it has to be assumed that anyone who wants them, already downloaded them.

Unless HIBP is getting its dumps from nonpublic sources..?

Why would this ever be valuable? Never mind it's probably a huge liability risk to Troy, who runs the service for free.

Well in this case all you would have received is a salted hash without the salt, which would be pretty useless.

So that's only useful where cleartexts are breached and there he'd then have the massive headache of securing that data.

The best approach if this is a concern for you would be for you to store a password history of ones that you have used and when you changed them.

So how does this work? Did the hacker go "Hey look, i managed to hack Dropbox, here are the data related because I trust you!" Or was it that HIBP managed to find where the data was?

What's the shady website that has the dump?

I'll go check it for you.

> Some of the stolen passwords were encrypted with SHA-1, while 32 million were encrypted with bcrypt, Motherboard reports. The passwords were also secured with a salt, a random data string added to strengthen the encryption. Even though these passwords have now been dumped online, it does not appear that the encryption protecting them has been cracked.

Whenever I've seen passwords stored without a salt it's either because there is no salt or the salt is derived from the username. If it's the latter, it's only a matter of time till the specifics are figured out.

I'd be very surprised if there is a random salt for each of the SHA-1 passwords that's stored separately from the hashes themselves.

The report doesn't contain much details, but 2-factor auth might have helped.

What is also not apparent is whether the stolen credentials were utilized to pull off data from the accounts? Users might have had sensitive documents stored!

You would think Dropbox doesn't behave like a startup anymore...Proves again that simply passing the responsibilities to a "cloud" provider doesn't fix the security issues.

Well, the leak is from 2012. But unfortunately, startups are hardly unique in mishandling their passwords, there are plenty of large companies on http://plaintextoffenders.com/

At least their passwords were hashed!

>is an evolution of the company’s stance on the 2012 incident

what a nice way to say that they lied before and that they are now finally coming clean - three years too late.

> three years too late

From 2012 to 2016 -- it'd be four.

Changed the email on dropbox about 2 years ago; seems like i've been pawned on the old email with the same password.

Incredibly poor response from Dropbox on this issue.

The email Dropbox sent me was talking about a preventive measure. Did they lie?

SHA1 isn't encryption, it's a hash function.

Somebody remind me what's justifying those six-figure tech salaries that are pricing everybody else out of the Bay Area?

ok thats why I just got a dropbox pop up to change my password :P


Title should say that Dropbox's security procedure provided inadequate security when confronted with well known user behavior.

I've been waiting for light to be shed on this incident for a long time, as I have known for years and with zero doubt that invented email addresses used only for Dropbox must have been stolen from Dropbox. I have said so, publicly, too, but I never heard Dropbox admit to a serious incident like this.

Dropbox admitted in 2012 that the emails were stolen. The new information coming to light now is that encrypted passwords were also leaked.

Exact phrasing from 2012 blog post:

>A stolen password was also used to access an employee Dropbox account containing a project document with user email addresses. We believe this improper access is what led to the spam. We’re sorry about this, and have put additional controls in place to help make sure it doesn’t happen again.

> A stolen password was also used to access an employee Dropbox account containing a project document with user email addresses.

The fact that such a document can even exist is plenty of reason to worry about processes and access at dropbox.

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