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Logging is definitely not an unsolved problem with K8s. It's trivial to set up Fluentd to snarf all container logs into some destination, such as Graylog, ElasticSearch or a simple centralized file system location.

The Github issue talks a lot about "out of the box" setup via kube-up. If you're not using kube-up (and I wouldn't recommend using it for production setups), the problem is rather simple.

The logging story could be better, but it's not "unsolved".

Thanks for that clarification. We are trying to get our feet wet by building a small 2 node setup.

We don't want to stream our logs or setup fluent, etc. I just want to make sure my logs are captured and periodically rotated. Now, the newer docker allows me to use journald as logger (which means all logs are sent to journald on the HOST machine)... But I can't seem to figure out how to do this in k8s.

Also as an aside, for production deployment on aws.. What would you suggest. I was thinking that kube-up is what i should use.

Yes, journald would definitely be superior, conceptually, to just writing to plain files. I can't help you there, though, as I've never tried setting it up.

(As an aside, I don't understand why more Unix software doesn't consistently use syslog() — we already have a good, standard, abstract logging interface which can be implemented however you want on the host. The syslog protocol is awful, but the syslog() call should be reliable.)

As for kube-up: It's a nice way to bootstrap, but it's an opaque setup that doesn't give you full control over your boxes, or of upgrades. I believe it's idempotent, but I wouldn't trust it to my production environment. Personally, I set up K8s from scratch on AWS via Salt + Debian/Ubuntu packages from Kismatic, and I recommend this approach. I have a Github repo that I'm planning to make semi-generic and public. Email me if you're interested.

Check out kube-aws, a tool from CoreOS that will get you a proper CloudFormation/VPC set up in just a few minutes: https://coreos.com/kubernetes/docs/latest/kubernetes-on-aws....

If you're interested to see more about what it does behind the scenes, it is very similar to the full manual guide for setting up Kubernetes: https://coreos.com/kubernetes/docs/latest/getting-started.ht...

Whats the k8's limitation here? You can do it however you like. e.g. make a fluentd daemonset, deploy on both nodes have them slurp up to s3. There are tons of ways to handle the logs and k8s can either help or stay out of the way.


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