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Swarm Mode is "great". Assuming you've never heard of or used Kubernetes. In which case, Docker Swarm is too little, and a year+ too late.

As for marketing, it does seem a bit funny that a product would announce "deep integration with underlying infrastructure" for a cloud provider when they haven't written a single line of (public) code to actually support that cloud provider.

The fun thing is this arguably critical blog post praises features in "swarm mode" that have long been present in Kubernetes/Mesos/Nomad: [labels/constraints].

There could be a lot written about the fact that Docker ships "Swarm Mode" as stable in 1.12 despite virtually everyone's actual first-hand experiences. I would argue that if "Swarm Mode" were not shipped inside of Docker 1.12 and didn't benefit from riding along with the normal `docker` package, few would be talking about it.

Yeah, Docker has a lot of catching up to do. They bragged a lot lately about how Swarm is faster than K8s but you really can not compare the two when you look at features and stability of k8s.

It's amazing (and not in a good way) that this stuff is being shipped in a point release.

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