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I agree with the substance of your comment, but this...

problem here my dear Sam is, most modern entrepreneurs have HUGE egos

...also smacks of egotism. The patronising tone in addressing Sam, and the condemnation of young/early-stage founders as egotistic, is absolutely egotistic itself.

Early-stage entrepreneurs always need time and life experience to tame their egos. The ones who do so (partly by heeding and internalising the advice that Sam is issuing in this post) are the ones who will succeed long term. The life stories of Jobs, Gates, Zuckerburg all demonstrate this.

Nobody is born with a perfectly balanced ego.

Someone with a truly balanced ego would exhibit great patience and compassion for those who still have the work ahead of them.

As for this:

I HATE being associated with egotistical people

People with balanced egos don't hate.

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