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> The assumption that all criticism is bad is, in my opinion, toxic to the startup ecosystem.


He literally wrote:

"some criticism is useful, and that you should pay attention to"

This illustrates another point: what is the line between "criticism" and "hate?" Can an entrepreneur accurately differentiate and classify between the two?

Many entrepreneurs just classify anything contrarian as hate because it is easier/faster.

> Many entrepreneurs just classify anything contrar ian as hate because it is easier/faster

That's true, and finds its mirror image in the commenters who think there's no 'hate' and that posts like Sam's are only about not wanting criticism.

Hate = non-constructive criticism

Criticism = constructive criticism

"This service sucks, I hope your company goes bankrupt" vs "This sucks, I tried to upload a pdf to the dooberywhatsit file storage service and it error out because the file had DRM on it and it couldn't read it. It should just store it as a standard file instead of rejecting it as an invalid PDF"

Example made up, I don't even know if pdfs have DRM aspects.

Generally the line is around the "Can I use this information to fix the problem (even if I don't want to)" mark.

Based on my limited reading comprehension abilities and complete misunderstanding of Sam's advice, I'm choosing to ignore your constructive criticism, hater.

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