Android predates Go. And it wasn't even started by Google.. Android was it's own company and had already made it's decision on Java well before Google decided to buy it.
Not to mention Go is focused on a different use case. Go is gunning for microservices (with it's concurrency chops) and CLI based tools (being a single compiled binary).. whereas Android apps are a totally different beast that stands little to gain from either of those. In fact shipping multiple binaries for different architectures is a bit of a detractor for Android considering it supports MIPS, ARM, and x86.
> until I realized Al-*-Go was not actually written in Go!
Again, AlphaGo was based off technology from DeepMind, a company Google acquired.
Please atleast do some quick wikipedia browsing before spewing FUD.
As someone who was there, let me say that the decision to use Java was definitely not made before the Google acquisition. The codebase that came with the acquisition was C++/JavaScript and was completely rewritten.
So? Apple introduced Swift after Obj-C to make developing iOS apps easier. What about GOOG? Couldn't they at least use Dart or Go (both of which they developed) for android app development after Java? BTW, last time I checked, they're still in for a lot to come from Oracle.
> Again, Al-*-Go was based off technology from ...
So let me get this straight. They bought a technology which was apparently written in C++/JS and rewrote it in another lang, but then again, they did not choose Go or Dart.
Not to mention Go is focused on a different use case. Go is gunning for microservices (with it's concurrency chops) and CLI based tools (being a single compiled binary).. whereas Android apps are a totally different beast that stands little to gain from either of those. In fact shipping multiple binaries for different architectures is a bit of a detractor for Android considering it supports MIPS, ARM, and x86.
> until I realized Al-*-Go was not actually written in Go!
Again, AlphaGo was based off technology from DeepMind, a company Google acquired.
Please atleast do some quick wikipedia browsing before spewing FUD.