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Stating that I see a connection is not remotely the same thing as asserting it is the principal cause.

This is a huge derail from a discussion that should be about congratulating Sharon Pope and welcoming her. Largely for that reason, I don't plan to comment further here. If I have anything more to say about any of this, it will wind up on my blog instead.

> Stating that I see a connection is not remotely the same thing as asserting it is the principal cause.

That's true, and I'm sorry if I over-extrapolated. But here is what you said:

"...if I were male, I would be taken far more seriously and people would promote my work. I would have more traffic, and that would result in more income..."

Can you see how someone might conclude that you meant it the way I interpreted it?

> This is a huge derail from a discussion that should be about congratulating Sharon Pope and welcoming her.

That is a very good point.

I agree. I was about to write a comment but Im backing off. Apologies to Sharon. Do write the blog post, though. :)


As a courtesy to Sharon Pope, please do not continue the discussion here. Either leave comments on the blog or, if you just absolutely need to discuss it on HN, post the blog as a separate post and have the discussion there.

Thank you.

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