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Here is my version:

  printf "REPL for %s\n" "$@"
    [ $# -gt 0 ]
  while true ; do
    printf "%s> " "$@"
    read -r || break;
    notblank $REPLY || continue;
    eval command \"\$@\" "$REPLY"
We keep the original parameters and expand them with "$@". There is a Bash feature that read with no args reads the line into the REPLY variable. We want that to be subject to splitting.

If $REPLY expands to nothing, including multiple whitespace, then we just want to print the prompt again: not quit and not run the command with no additional arguments.

The eval trick allows $REPLY to undergo expansion and splitting, so that shell syntax can freely be used in the REPL.


  $ ~/test/replify/replify.sh git
  REPL for git
  git> rev-parse HEAD 
  git> branch -r
    origin/HEAD -> origin/master
  git> checkout "$TERM $TERM"
  error: pathspec 'xterm xterm' did not match any file(s) known to git.
  git> checkout $TERM
  error: pathspec 'xterm' did not match any file(s) known to git.
Cute, but not terribly useful without history recall and related features. This wants to be a feature of Bash. The regular Bash repl should have a prefix variable so it can appear to be in a sub-mode for a particular command.

Submit a patch for Bash to do this, and maybe you have something. Bash has a hook feature for command execution, IIRC, so this may be somehow doable without modifying Bash.


EDIT: beat to the punch, should've refreshed.

Maybe using rlwrap command would help with the autocompletion and history?

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