It's all relative. Alberta is "high" compared to other provinces though in the ball park of the other prairie provinces (Sask & Manitoba) per capita, though BC only spends $18B-ish for a higher population.
Ontario spends $50.8B, pop 13.1m, which seems more efficient per capita than Alberta; France is inline with that per capita ; the UK spends $195.8B (CAD), pop 64.1m, which is even lower.
> Does the lack of a large private insurance market in countries with government-provided health insurance cause lots of inefficiencies and waste?
I also acknowledged that I have no idea if $20B is good or bad. And I did not make the case that it's more or less expensive relative to the US.
Another commenter took the Alberta budget numbers and ran with it to get to a per-capita cost relative to the US.