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> Belittling the contribution of scripting to the web as mere 'novelty' is rather disingenuous. I could list other benefits but I suspect you're already aware of them and discount them because they don't apply to you.

I don't believe that scripting does contribute to the web (i.e., the interlinked web of hypertext documents we all use every day), or at least not enough to be worth the cost. The web is about documents, and documents are eminently readable without scripting (ever since writing was invented and displaced oral tradition …).

The cost does apply to me. Every page which requires me to enable JavaScript (and thus forfeit the security of the computers I do my banking and work on, and forfeit more privacy than that necessary to request a document) costs me. Every page which displays nought but a white page costs me.

I have — as I've noted — no objection to web apps qua web apps. Some of them are quite cool, and some are even useful. It's definitely nice to be able to use Linux and run programs written by people who have never used it. I do wish that browsers implemented a better language than JavaScript (which is an embarrassment to our profession) to that end, but what really gets me is the needless proliferation of apps which are really just document readers. I already have a document reader: it's my web browser.

I remember what the web was like when it was just a bunch of folks writing about things they liked and linking to one another. That was a pretty awesome web. I hate that it has been drowned out by folks who think that in order to read their documents I should give them execute privileges on my workstation.

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