I've always wondered about who exactly prefers to use Launchpad. I've had to use it for PPAs, and it seems terrible. I feel like the median FOSS developer would see no benefit in hosting a new project on Launchpad vs. Github or anywhere else.
It seems like if you install a package via a Launchpad PPA, you can be confident it will receive updates along with the rest of your installed packages; if it was from github, you'd have to add a cronjob to pull updates or something else along those lines, which would be more prone to (silently) fail. Though my general experience of PPAs is that they are fairly failure-prone themselves...
As I heard from a dev-ops friend whom I hold in very high regard, Launchpad is better for admins, while Github is better for developers. I wish I could recall the reasoning behind the distinction.
Personally, I've never been able to wrap my head around Launchpad, but I haven't put any significant effort toward doing so either.