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The Japanese place very high value on social cohesion. Deviation from the norm - especially emotional - is not accepted or acknowledged.

I can't say whether the Japanese are especially lonely. I can say that those who are have little means to express that among themselves.

If the topic interests you, check out the Hikkikomori phenomenon, such a the book: "Shutting out the Sun: How Japan created its own lost generation."

See also the difficulty that Japanese mental health professionals have in the country. Such places are as discreet as abortion clinics are in the American south.

That's A bit of an exaggeration. My wife is a mental health professional in Japan. She tells me that about half the people in the general population she speaks to find the topic challenging. Others are fine. Her hospital is not at all hidden away.

Here's a study from 2013 on the topic. "Review of mental-health-related stigma in Japan" http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/pcn.12086/abstrac.... Japan has a long way to go toward accepting mental illness as anything but a character flaw.

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