I tried the example:
draw a clock hand // Select all the clock hands hand = [#clock-hand angle length]
// Eve will maintain the following objects maintain
// Calculate x1, y2, x2, y2 for each hand
hand := [#line, x1: 50, y1: 50,
// using angle and length
x2: 50 + (length * sin(angle)),
y2: 50 - (length * cos(angle))]
draw a clock // Select the current time [#time hours minutes seconds]
// Update the SVG as the time changes maintain
// Add an SVG element to the root of the DOM
[#svg viewBox: "0 0 100 100", width: "300px", children:
// Add a clock face at (50,50) with radius 45.
[#circle cx: 50, cy: 50, r: 45, fill: "#0B79CE"]
// Add the hours hand
[#clock-hand angle: 30 * hours, length: 30, stroke: "#023963"]
// Add the minutes hand
[#clock-hand angle: 6 * minutes, length: 40, stroke: "#023963"]
// Add the seconds hand
[#clock-hand angle: 6 * seconds, length: 40, stroke: "#ce0b46"]]
But I get the error:
Invalid function argument
(passed string)
Only expressions can be arguments to functions
Invalid function argument (passed string) Only expressions can be arguments to functions
14| x2: 50 + (length * sin(angle)),