An interesting case for #3, is that something similar exists in the Ruby world(, but I don't think it's gaining wide adoption, there're certainly people using it but they really aren't the majority.
More extreme case lies in the Lua/OpenResty world, they used to have some interactive debugger but since really so few people are using it, the debugger just got abandoned. Everyone is just accustomed to print-based debugging.
BTW: I actually agree that #3 can be quite useful, I'm using pry quite extensively when I'm working on Ruby projects. But I guess different communities might just have different preferences.
I find with good unit tests a debugger is just not necessary. I haven't used a debugger in anger for many years now. In fact, if I run into a problem where I feel that I need a debugger, I refactor the code so that I don't need a debugger any more. In doing that, I usually find my problem ;-)
But you are right. Different strokes for different folks.
Honestly I think unit tests and interactive debuggers are really for different purposes: unit tests are more used to guard existing code that has been written, while a debugger can be more useful tinkering with new libraries before writing anything production ready.
This is especially true for Ruby(and maybe for Clojure?), since in many cases documentations for libraries are not so great, so you will really have to try the library a little bit to get to the results you want.
I know a lot of people in Lisp and Smalltalk communities that use unit tests still use the interactive debugging environment. In fact, many of them write their unit tests in the REPL, and then paste them into their test-code. There are even a couple of unit testing libraries for CL that are specifically designed for doing this.
I also recommend that you watch the video xuejie posted (, as it's about using a debugger to write code more than using a debugger to fix code.
More extreme case lies in the Lua/OpenResty world, they used to have some interactive debugger but since really so few people are using it, the debugger just got abandoned. Everyone is just accustomed to print-based debugging.
BTW: I actually agree that #3 can be quite useful, I'm using pry quite extensively when I'm working on Ruby projects. But I guess different communities might just have different preferences.