I support this type of project and wish the OP well, but I have to say that I think the free manual is a bit overpriced in its present state. It leaves many details unsaid or vague. There needs to be a detailed plumbing diagram and many more pictures. n.b. the pictures in the blog post that is linked are not well lit or clear -- and show a "garden" with a pathetic few seedlings in one corner. There is no advice on what type of fish to buy, nor what kinds of plants would be good to start with and, very important, what kinds a newbie might think were a good idea but are not. And maybe open with a big-picture overview: what is the steady-state you want to reach? What can you realistically expect to reap from this setup in actual quantitative terms of pounds of fish and vegs, based on actual experience.
Hey fernly, thanks for the feedback. This was a bit of a rough draft. I'll be updating it with diagrams, advice on fish and plants, and the expected yield.
I planted half the veggie beds with seeds, which are just starting to grow. I was interested in trying root vegetables, so I have sweet potatoes, carrots, and onions growing. Check back in a month, I should have pictures of a veritable jungle :).