If you want to annotate the original, interactives and all, you can use something like https://hypothes.is/ (also open source)
I think Fermat's library seems great for annotating older static papers, but it the current version seems like the wrong format for this. Perhaps for interactives, just embed the original site with hypothes.is annotations?
Wow, I hadn't heard of hypothes.is before, that proxy implementation is awesome. I like the highlighting/commenting feature on Medium, for example, and this adds it to any document transparently, it looks like. Good stuff.
If you want to annotate the original, interactives and all, you can use something like https://hypothes.is/ (also open source)
I think Fermat's library seems great for annotating older static papers, but it the current version seems like the wrong format for this. Perhaps for interactives, just embed the original site with hypothes.is annotations?
You can see what that would like using their proxy: https://via.hypothes.is/http://neuralnetworksanddeeplearning...