It's interesting to hear this. I used FlightCar (as a renter) quite a bit in its early days (2013) and at that time the customer service was unbelievably great, to the point that I actively preferred FlightCar over other rental car companies. I haven't traveled as much the last couple of years, though; it sounds like their customer service hasn't scaled. I'm guessing that a lot of my customer service interactions fell into the "do things that don't scale" category.
Based on the following comment by the employee, this was actually a case of "do shortsighted things to save money."
"He moved the customer support to Philippines because he can get someone for like 10-12$ an hr. Great idea.. right? Let's connect the customers who are loaning flightcar a 30-40k car to someone in Philippines who does not understand english or even knows what a floor mat is."
Actually, English is regularly spoken in the Philippines. They were s US territory at one point in history.
What the problem typically is is not a language barrier. These outsourced call centers are typically boiler rooms. The agents are incentivized to close the call, not fix the problem.