Mind blown: The article made me realize that you can generate one of those trippy "continued fraction" equalities any time you have x on both sides of the equation, one side by itself.
Golden ratio: x = 1 + 1/x -> keep re-plugging the right-hand side into the x on the RHS:
This was also made into a movie a couple of months ago, I haven't seen the movie but it should be on netflix/itunes by now since I don't think it had a wide theatrical release.
The house is #204 out of 288 houses. Assuming the house itself isn't counted in either sum, which wasn't too clear by the question.
I got this by the definition of triangle numbers and solving n^2 = m(m+1)/2 for integer solutions. n is the house and m is the total of all houses. As usual, I have no idea how Ramanujan did this with cont. fractions.
Golden ratio: x = 1 + 1/x -> keep re-plugging the right-hand side into the x on the RHS:
x = 1 + 1/(1 + 1/(1 + 1/...