I am looking forward to this upcoming post about why you decided to avoid target date funds. Specifically I am curious how you calculate that target date funds have nearly twice the expense ratio compared to guideline. VFIFX (https://www.google.com/finance?ei=CWOOUpC2CO-bsgfSRw&q=VFIFX) has an expense ratio of 0.16% while guidelines is 0.13%. Cheaper, yes, but not twice as cheap.
Even in the retail segment, the target date funds don't have "Admiral" options. So you see 0.16% with VFIFX, 0.05% with VTSAX, 0.12% VTIAX, 0.06% VBTLX.
A 3-fund of VTSAX/VTIAX/VBTLX can average around 0.08% for the same underlying asset allocation as VFIFX at 0.16%. That's roughly double.