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> What most people call "containers" was always about virtualization (ie isolation), and the isolation primitive in the Linux kernel is namespaces.

There is no isolation with cgroups in Linux, that is the crux of the matter:


since containers in Solaris existed before cgroups and before the entire Linux hype, and you specifically adress my "misunderstanding" (of hype), you compel me to correct on terminology:

containers are resource constraints, while technology like LXC and OpenVZ provide the lightweight virtualization and isolation, a very important distinction (full virtualization is achieved via XEN and KVM on GNU/Linux). Conceptually, as a resource constraint, containers are in that sense the same in Solaris as they are in Linux, with vastly different mechanism implementations, but neither provide isolation.

Again, and I corrected you on this before (this happens to be my problem domain), what you think of as containers are lightweight virtual machines, as zones in Solaris and LXC / OpenVZ in Linux, and equating cgroups and namespaces with a lightweight virtual machine technology is conflating two different things.

If you should have the inclination to point out my other "misunderstandings" of Linux, an operating system I very heavily use, develop on, and engineer for, I would be interested to learn of them.

> So does Linux, I'm missing your point here.

If they exist, I have not heard of them, read about them, or met them yet; at any rate, since Linux has so many architectural and performance problems, again I am compelled to conclude that those "Linux kernel engineers" are not of the same caliber as the ones working on BSD and illumos kernels. That an operating system, after almost twenty years of massive investment and literally armies of programmers still cannot get basic things like startup (init.d/systemd/other variants of startup), shutdown (trying to flush a filesystem buffer to an unmounted filesystem), or even TCP/IP performance right tells me it is missing kernel engineers. Enthusiasts and volunteers tinkering with the kernel do not professional kernel engineers make, as is evident by this entire topic of whether to bypass the kernel's TCP/IP stack with one's own implementation, because the stack cannot deliver sufficient performance. That is what one can call damning evidence, no matter how one slices or dices it.

> There is no isolation with cgroups in Linux > containers are resource constraints

I'm going to say this one more time:

Linux containers use namespaces as the primary isolation mechanism -- NOT cgroups. You can create containers without cgroups. This happens to be my problem space too, and you're not helping by spreading ignorance.

> equating cgroups and namespaces with a lightweight virtual machine technology is conflating two different things.

Finally you mention namespaces. Who mentioned "lightweight vritual machines"? Namespaces are just tags for a process that are used to scope operations to provide isolation. Cgroups are different tags used to provide resource constraints. Just because people use containers in that way at the moment doesn't make the underlying technology just about that.

> an operating system I very heavily use, develop on, and engineer for, I would be interested to learn of them.

Arrogance is not an endearing quality.

> If they exist, I have not heard of them

We can play that game all day. I don't care who you have and haven't heard of, Linux has talented kernel engineers as evidenced by the fact that Linux is widely used for production deployments. You might not agree with what has been built, but you can't deny that it does exist and is being used to power production systems. Please calm down on the saltiness, sodium is bad for your health.

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