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> is why we would want to program everything as a composition of individual programs and applications,

Because it matches the reality better. Concurrent applications built out of individual isolated processes often map well to real world problems. Not all problems, but quite a few of them. Say if you just multiply a matrix or maybe calculate an average, you don't need concurrency and supervision. If you want to sort a list of files, you don't need etc. Not all systems have to be reliable and fault tolerant.

> Making everything asynchronous and detached makes things more complicated, not less.

The real world is asynchronous and detached. You as an agent are detached from other co-workers or friends. Before you take a breath you don't have to wait for them to finish taking a breath. A car driving down the street is detached from others. They come to an intersection and have to work together in order not to run into each other. But after that they keep going on their way. Also they are fault tolerant -- because your neighbor's car engine crashed, doesn't mean yours should stop working. Seems a bit like a silly example but that maps fairly well to distributed computing -- requests, user connections, work processes, items in a processing pipeline, database shards and so on.

So given that there are these types of problem what framework language should you pick to solve it? I would say first of all one which reduces the impedance mismatch and lets your write clearest, simplest code. And also that one that's most fault tolerant.

You could spawn threads (or green threads) in some languages -- but you'd probably be sharing memory and have some bugs in there. You could spawn OS processes and/or have multiple containers/vms in the cloud, but that gets expensive. You could use Rust for example to achieve some of those goal though, because it will guarantee to a certain degree during compile time that your application will have less memory and concurrency errors. Or you could use something based on the BEAM VM (Erlang or Elixir) for example, and you get a different approach to fault tolerance there.

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