I own a Firefly VR headset which I bought for $60. It works great for 360 videos on youtube and some games. The best part is it uses my phone and has a small wireless remote for navigating and making selections.
I don't understand the whole hype with Vive/Oculus. I know they are a beast compared to cheap VRs but requirement of gaming pc, strangling wires etc sets me off.
There are a lot of psychological factors that go into tricking the brain into "being present" in the VR space. When you use that $60 VR headset your seeing neat VR technology but your brain is never tricked. There is tons of research on this going back to the 70's. The Vive / Oculus is basically the first time we are getting close at this price point. There is still a ton of hardware and software work needed. For example seeing a fake body in VR takes you out but seeing your hands 100% tracked makes takes you back in.
I don't understand the whole hype with Vive/Oculus. I know they are a beast compared to cheap VRs but requirement of gaming pc, strangling wires etc sets me off.