At the risk of too much me-too-ism, this is almost impressively bad as a showcase of a framework. I don't have much interest in debugging this, but disabling the 92 XHR invocations prevents this for me.
The hot-loading of code is a very nice feature to develop with, but I'm curious to see it in action. Sometimes it feels like Clojurescript's Figwheel won't be topped in this regard (certainly the case with some of the React/webpack tooling).
Nice to see some advancement in Julia, oftentimes I don't hear anything being made with the language and only hear of development in the language itself. I don't see any compelling reason to switch yet but perhaps this will drive cross-pollination in other, similar projects (Jupyter for instance).
This is mostly because Escher relies heavily on Google Polymer Web Components on the front-end, which are natively supported by Blink, and supported on other browser-engines through polyfills which don't always work right.
Safari on iPad als has weird issues, first text is shown unstyled, then a flash, then styled text is shown. However, on scroll a blank page is presented.
That's been my thoughts. Jupyter is ok but the interface really has stagnated, which is peculiar because it's not that complex of a front end. Though Escher is promising it's not production ready/quality for my tastes (which is getting better in the Julia world but definitely still an ongoing need to address).