Indeed, it started as and I later aquired the .com and .org domain names. In the beginning we ran for the open source project and for the company and the SaaS. We later consolidated everything under
Of course, I would love to elaborate. We found that there was a lot of duplication between .com and .org. Same news (tweets, blog posts), overlapping email lists, overlapping members, etc. That duplication lead to duplicate effort, confusion, people missing news or comments on news, and bad SEO.
The reason for having two sites in the first place was to separate the open source project from the commercial organization. In practise the same people controlled both sides. It felt like a Potemkin village
We realized that it doesn't help to present yourself as an independent project when you are not. What matters is that the commercial organization is a good steward of the open source project. So we detailed how we want to do that and instituted a core team
At times situations will come up that will allow you to show your true colors. For us it was the VLC people asking to open source a feature on HN and our competitor Perforce adopting GitLab. How you handle those situations is far more important than having multiple domain names.
I recommend that you consolidate everything under one website but you open up your company. See for inspiration.
Haha, you just made me realize that "The City and the City" by China Miéville[1] could be used as a metaphor for such artificially divided organizations like the one you had (and many have - for better or worse reasons).
Nice job!