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Awesome BlueprintCSS framework hits 0.7 (code.google.com)
52 points by pius on Feb 20, 2008 | hide | past | favorite | 14 comments

I love frameworks, but using one for CSS seems a bit too much for me. I like the idea of having only code that is needed for my site design.

I just can't get into css. I would much prefer to use this framework than have to think about it... But maybe thats just me

The only reason I got into it was http://www.csszengarden.com

Knowing that you can change a layout in that many ways just using CSS...its quite humbling.

I've found programmable templating frameworks to be more powerful and maintainable than 100% css.

Looking at what a lot of those zengarden designs do behind the scenes shows you just how ugly css can be.

It's pretty great for that. It allows you to do complex layouts a little faster while keeping them readable. I'll be using it for any future sites I design.

isn't the idea of CSS to separate design from semantic content? putting <div snap="span-10"> (spans 10 grid columns) in your HTML entirely defeats the purpose.

i just read a blog post taking the other side of this argument:


what about print css, phones, etc, etc.? what about using html as a data feed (e.g., for your JS, microformats, etc.)? BluePrint is clearly written by and for designers, rather than IAs.

How anyone here compared BlueprintCSS to YUI CSS foundation?

In an interview linked from the wiki, the creator said: "The first CSS framework I checked out was the Yahoo User Interface Library, but found it to be way too bloated for what I want from a designers framework."

Here's an interesting response: http://foohack.com/2007/08/blueprint-css-framework-vs-yui-gr...

YUI css is designed to do a few layouts well and make other layouts possible. Its not bad, but it is clunky to work with and a pain if you don't fit one of its proportional models precisely.

Blueprint is more logical and conceptually easier to understand - everything is put on a flexible grid and you choose how many grid units you want to use for each layout block.

I dig the rest of the YUI toolkit, but compared to blueprint, YUI CSS feels like a hack.

Blueprint was a snap for me to pick up and the markup looks good (concerns about mixing style and semantics notwithstanding).

As for the YUI CSS libraries, well, my eyes crossed a little when I looked at the markup. I only checked YUI CSS out briefly, though.

http://files.bjorkoy.com/blueprint/tests/sample.html "This box is aligned with the sidebar"

Not on my screen, unfortunately. (Firefox 2, Ubuntu, 1280x1024)

hmm...samples don't look quite right in safari (left margin disappears)

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