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> They don't tell you, at compile time, when you're building an invalid/unrepresentable SQL query.

Sure they do, with a proper library. Haskell's persistent library does this very well.

The Persistent library is an ORM. It provides syntax and safety for sql. For example

    delete $ from $ \t -> do
             where_ $ (t ^. TutorialAuthor) ==. 
                      (sub_select $ from $ \a -> do
                                    where_ (a ^. AuthorEmail ==. val "anne@example.com")
                                    return (a ^. AuthorId)){-/hi-}
    tuts <- select $ from $ \t -> do
            where_ (t ^. TutorialSchool !=. val True)
            return (t ^. TutorialTitle)
looks a lot like something you might get with a good ORM. It might be more general and slightly different, but haskell usually does things slightly different.

Looks like Persistent has no support for table joins...bit of a show stopper that, but there's a companion library[1] which looks quite powerful (similar to Scala's Slick wrt to type safety and composability).

Can't say I care for the syntax much (`^.`, `where_`, etc.) but I guess that's par for the course in Haskell given the open world (i.e. module system leaves something to be desired relative to OCaml and SML).

[1] http://www.yesodweb.com/book/sql-joins#sql-joins_esqueleto

Haskell doesn't have OO, so it can hardly be an ORM.

The library in question is modeling relational theory at the language/type level. That's not remotely like an ORM.

Haskell does OO just fine. It doesn't do nominal subtyping, but that's really a misfeature in OO anyway.

That said, persistent doesn't do OO.

Data encapsulation (e.g. via ADTs) does not equal "OO".

I would argue that OO is polymorphism + innate object identity. Though the latter only matters if you have mutability; but then, whether OO without mutability is "true OO" is one of those deeply philosophical questions.

I find the dividing line in formalism; we can always find similarities with language-level features from OO, but OO is by definition an informal set of ideas about how programming is best done and understood, rooted deeply in empiricism, not formal theory and analysis.

If I can model your type/language model as a higher-kinded dependently typed lambda calculus (e.g. using Boehm-Berarducci encoding for non-turing complete recursive ADT definitions), then it's not OO -- it's functional programming, rediscovered.

Existential types are kind of like OO interfaces (allow storing a collection of things that only have in common that they implement the interface), and typeable can be used for casting them back to their base types.

Yes, but that library is using Haskell functions to compose SQL strings at run-time. I should have clarified that by interpolation I meant manually writing the string you send to the DBMS.

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