> So your argument is basically this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rUTnNKhF-EU
It is not my argument, I'm a Tory voting, skilled, financial sector worker, who voted remain.
But I'm being an idiot arguing with you. I don't think dismissively posting a clip of southpark has advanced the discussion. This subject never got the detailed and grown up discussion it deserved as one side continually dismissed the other as racist xenophobes (which you are underhandedly implying they are here) and the other harped on about '350 million a week' continuously, even thought that was thoroughly debunked.
There were real substantive issues to be discussed and we failed to do it meaningfully. Kind of like this thread.
No, it hasn't advanced the discussion, I was merely pointing out the absurdity of the argument. I have absolutely no doubt you are a well-educated, skilled worker, but even you know yourself, many of people are who blame immigrants for taking their jobs/disenfranchising them in some way, are gullible Sun-reading, bone-idle fuckwits who couldn't be arsed working/upskilling.
Sad but true, and frankly, as an Irish person who lived in London for years, I find the 'blame immigrants' rhetoric absolutely terrifying.
It is not my argument, I'm a Tory voting, skilled, financial sector worker, who voted remain.
But I'm being an idiot arguing with you. I don't think dismissively posting a clip of southpark has advanced the discussion. This subject never got the detailed and grown up discussion it deserved as one side continually dismissed the other as racist xenophobes (which you are underhandedly implying they are here) and the other harped on about '350 million a week' continuously, even thought that was thoroughly debunked.
There were real substantive issues to be discussed and we failed to do it meaningfully. Kind of like this thread.