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Isn't the tricky bit that a computer science education is in fact an education in the science of computers (no surprises here), yet what most people study it for is an education in their usage?

Maybe what we actually need is a separate field, e.g. "practical computing". - which, I accept, would lend itself less well to University education which we have come to expect as a prerequisite for better paying jobs.

'software engineering' is a degree program in itself in many universities, and it is a curriculum more focused on pragmatic, often even specifically business-focused, project delivery, from coding in a wide range of business-heavy languages to theories of software lifecycles and team management.

That said, anytime I've met one of the hard-working students who opted for a more math and theory heavy CS program instead of an SE program, that person has been able to software engineer and project manage circles around the people who specifically studied software engineering and project management.

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