They along with the Type 1 development and certification process are used for stuff they trust the most. Suite B algorithms can be used with Type 1 implementation for very, critical stuff as well. The Type 1 is the key for assurance more than the algorithms themselves. It ensures the protocols and algorithms are rigorously implemented. Includes considerations on RNG's, common coding flaws, covert channel analysis, and TEMPEST shielding.
Only smartcard sector comes anywhere near assurance activities that go into Suite A or Type 1 products in terms of crypto.
They along with the Type 1 development and certification process are used for stuff they trust the most. Suite B algorithms can be used with Type 1 implementation for very, critical stuff as well. The Type 1 is the key for assurance more than the algorithms themselves. It ensures the protocols and algorithms are rigorously implemented. Includes considerations on RNG's, common coding flaws, covert channel analysis, and TEMPEST shielding.
Only smartcard sector comes anywhere near assurance activities that go into Suite A or Type 1 products in terms of crypto.