So, this is the first time I've had a chance to translate what he was saying for that line, and I could only ever make out fragments of what I thought I understood.
And, if I'm translating (or transliterating) correctly, it's something like:
In the Name of God, just look at
these motherfucking shitty slutty
brothel whore assholes.
0. nom de dieu = name of god
1. putain = whore
2. bordel = brothel
3. merde = shit
4. saloperies = sluts
5. connards = assholes
6. enculé = motherfucker
7. ta mire = one's sight
Does that properly capture the spirit of his curse words, or am I not quite getting it right?
And, if I'm translating (or transliterating) correctly, it's something like:
Does that properly capture the spirit of his curse words, or am I not quite getting it right?