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If you're a photogenic & telegenic young woman software developer in Silcon Valley and you're also sufficiently socially charming, creative, or just plain lucky enough to fall in with the "right crowd" at the "right time" you can get spades of press far easier than any male or any non-photogenic female.

Even if true (cough.. iJustine.. cough..) that's just "how life is" and complaining about it doesn't change human psychology. Like magpies, people are attracted to shiny things - you just gotta make yourself more shiny.

Did you read the full post?

This was not a "complaint". I was trying to sum up the 2 key points of the discussion and defend Ms. Culver's excess press via sociology in both the historic (e.g. Ms. Polese) and current context of the Silicon Valley press ecosystem. I also did my best (clearly poorly) to give some defense of her efforts.

This sort of thing gets highlighted on HN, and having modern studies to quantify the effects is useful, but one need look little further then Helen of Troy.

Nothing new under the sun here.

Who's iJustine? ;-)

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