I was inquiring about benchmarks for RiakTS, but your link was perfect. I am a J/APL dabbler, and quite recently learning kdb+/q (I prefer k).
As much as I step away from these languages, I always find my way back to them in strange ways. I was studying music, and there was a great J article in Vector magazine written in August 2006 [1] that walks through scales, and other musical concepts in J.
A Forth-based music software called Sporth [2] has a kona ugen in it, so you can generate scales or other musical items in kona, and then use them in the stack-based Sporth audio language.
My interests in kdb+/q, k, J and APL are in applying them to mathematical investigations of music, visuals, doing data analysis, and then just code golfing, or toying around. They're so much fun!
I need more time on large streaming datasets (Time Series data), than large disk-based datasets to really test latencies. I am building a box much better suited for it than my current machine. The goal is to stay in RAM as much as possible.
I had stumbled upon John's work before.
I am currently dabbling with a stack-based audio language called Sporth [1], and messing with the idea of somehow mashing it up with John's ike project.
See, vector/array languages aren't just for FinTech or Time Series!
As much as I step away from these languages, I always find my way back to them in strange ways. I was studying music, and there was a great J article in Vector magazine written in August 2006 [1] that walks through scales, and other musical concepts in J.
A Forth-based music software called Sporth [2] has a kona ugen in it, so you can generate scales or other musical items in kona, and then use them in the stack-based Sporth audio language.
My interests in kdb+/q, k, J and APL are in applying them to mathematical investigations of music, visuals, doing data analysis, and then just code golfing, or toying around. They're so much fun!
I need more time on large streaming datasets (Time Series data), than large disk-based datasets to really test latencies. I am building a box much better suited for it than my current machine. The goal is to stay in RAM as much as possible.
[1] http://archive.vector.org.uk/art10010610
[2] https://github.com/PaulBatchelor/Sporth