In Germany you need a special drivers license to commercially transport people, which is mostly a background check and regular checkups that you're physically capable for driving people around. Uber used drivers that didn't have it until they were told to stop. It just shows again how Uber is trying to prey on competitors by ignoring all regulations.
"Commercially transport people" he said. Do you normally charge a fee when you transport your family? If so the. You are a taxi service and fall under the regulations.
> The Queensland government hopes to tweak legislation linked to a contentious crackdown on Uber that inadvertently made charter buses and limousines illegal as well.
> A spokesman for Transport Minister Stirling Hinchliffe, who received legal advice, on Thursday said the threat to all pre-booked passenger vehicles needed to be removed.
I was reacting to "which is mostly a background check and regular checkups that you're physically capable for driving people around." Not worthy of downvotes imho.