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The article does a great job of it, too:

"Caveat: The study was relatively small and involved children who were still learning how to read."

Your only take-away isn't supposed to be some editor's choice for the title.

Added after original post:

This is why I don't like the "tl;dr" meme. If people would take more time to absorb the information related to topics we care about, there wouldn't be this desire to have a random person on the net distill that knowledge into something you can consume in 20 seconds or less. It's like getting all of your political opinions from Comedy Central. You're willingly getting your information through yet-another filter, but this filter is presented as unbiased.

Edit: parent comment ninja'd what I was responding to, now this looks super off topic.

This discussion is a distracting tangent. Apparently it’s now impossible to delete comments after they’ve been responded to, so the best I could do was edit my comment down.

Ah. I see what was going on then. That's bitten me in the past too.

This is a distracting tangent. Just so it's clear, I wasn't responding negatively to you. You didn't invent what I'm railing against and as far as I was concerned you were only the messenger of another community's discussion. I don't think you said anything that needed to be edited down.

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