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If ServiceStack is great and useful, then it should be ported to .Net Core. I'd recommend doing that sooner rather than later.

It's currently the most requested feature request: https://servicestack.uservoice.com/forums/176786-feature-req...

Which will be our top priority after it's officially released, unfortunately .NET Core has been a continuous stream of breaking changes since RC1 that it's pretty much radioactive until we can be sure of a stable and complete surface area that we can bind to with confidence. We have a strong focus and expectation of frequent, incremental and backwards-compatible releases that trying to chase the .NET Core roller-coaster of breaking changes isn't an option for us.

The volatility is also holding up a lot of the .NET ecosystem and 3rd party libraries we depend on who are also waiting until the dust settles before committing to a port.

The end goal and promise of .NET Core is alluring, but I'm expecting the interim transition to be messy and confusing of what 3rd party libraries is/isn't supported and how stable /complete the support is. I'm hoping after .NET Core 1.0 is released that the focus will be on providing the necessary Framework features and support in order to make it easy for existing .NET libraries to support both .NET 4.x and .NET Core platforms in parallel as there's a real fear it can fragment the ecosystem in the same way that's plagued Python 2.7/3 over the last several years. It looks like .NET Standard will be able to simplify the effort required in theory, but given how unstable everything's been thus far it remains to be seen how complete/stable it will be in practice enough to be able to rely on it to support existing .NET 4.5 Customers.

Anyway I hope .NET Core can deliver a stable platform and enable a smooth transition with the necessary support to enable the quick uptake of the surrounding .NET ecosystem. Not being able to confidently run production systems on Linux has hindered .NET adoption and limited it's appeal to the vibrant Startup/Hacking community (like this one) for several years. If .NET Core can deliver it will be one of the best engineered development platforms available for the most popular platforms, but it needs to be great in order to compete with the momentum that the JVM, LLVM and Go have.

> If .NET Core can deliver it will be one of the best engineered development platforms available for the most popular platforms, but it needs to be great in order to compete with the momentum that the JVM, LLVM and Go have.

I would say any momentum is only in the startup and HN, Reddit readers.

On my little piece of the globe is Java and .NET as usual.

LLVM only plays a role in our iOS and Android projects.

Go is still "that language from Google".

Java/JVM has historically been more popular than .NET in OSS, Startups and Enterprises, it also seems to offer the highest paying Finance jobs - but this may be anecdotal. Based on experience and from what I've seen on job boards I'd have a guess that .NET is likely a close 2nd for developing Enterprise LOB Apps - I've also seen a lot of interest from Ruby/Python and PHP but this may just be regional as I don't know what demand is like outside U.S. Java has also seen a lot of resurgence thanks to Android as have Objective-C for the same reasons thanks to iOS.

LLVM is the backend for the Clang C/C++/Objective-C compiler suite that's quickly replacing GCC not to mention back ends for both Swift and Rust and also used by Emscripten - its appeal and usage extends far beyond just iOS and Android.

Both Rust and Go are the most likely replacements to C/C++ for future systems programming and the primary candidates for recent calls in rewriting existing UNIX utils in a safer modern language.

Go is also a force on the server: https://github.com/golang/go/wiki/GoUsers - that's moved a long way from just that little language from Google. From what I've read from Hacker News and Reddit, it's getting a lot of converts from C/C++/Python/Ruby and node.js.

But that is what I mentioned.

HN and Reddit are a startup bubble. I seldom use most of the cool stuff that gets mentioned here, or see it mentioned in job adverts for that matter.

At least on the Fortune 500 corporate world that we work on.

For example, besides iOS and Android NDK projects there are zero uses of LLVM.

I had started a project with .Net Core about 8 months ago. I figured that I should start a new project using the latest goodies, and there'd not likely be THAT may breaking changes. Boy, was I wrong. I went back to .NET 4.5, and now will wait for the release before I begin using it. But I assume that projects like ServiceStack don't have that luxury, and just have to deal with all the breaking changes. Hopefully that aggravation has slowed down this year.

I was finding it difficult to work out which 3rd party libraries and frameworks supported .NET Core so I've created a simple list with the details [0]. Feel free to send a pull request to add ServiceStack [1]. I left out libraries that I couldn't find an official commitment for, such as an open issue.

[0] ASP.NET Core Library and Framework Support - https://anclafs.com

[1] https://github.com/jpsingleton/ANCLAFS/compare

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