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I'll give a polite tip of the hat but warn that cutesy redis demos are starting to wear thin. The C++ support in the tools you get after installing build-essentials on Trusty smells like Visual Studio 2010.

As for .NET core, you'll get plenty of warm fuzzy "just happy to be part of the journey" crap here but don't forget that for every unemployed enthusiast chatting in an issues thread on github there are 100 professionals working their asses off trying to ship solutions. That's why you exist. Don't lose that.

"Things may not work perfectly, but that is why it's no production code." Ugh. They called it a Release Candidate! And it was... crap.

Tools support isn't like horseshoes, almost doesn't count. Likewise you need breadth and depth with your Linux support or this is going to be a total friggin' debacle for devs.

So is it BashOnWindows that is the problem, or a frustration with Trusty itself as a distro?

I'm in the bracket of the "100 professionals working their asses off trying to ship solutions" as my day job. What has the "unemployed enthusiast"s chatting on a thread go to do with me shipping solutions? Let the children boogie and i'll join in my free time :)

What demos do you want? If redis is "cutesy", what isn't?

Something hip like one of the neural toolkits? I guess that would be hard to do since you can't install CUDA, R packages or the JDK at the moment. Maybe run Docker? Nope. Heck, I'd settle for being able to run tar or rar. Those don't work either. Cmake? Nope, broken. Valgrind? nope. Mono? nope.

He's welcome to run the same redis demo he does every tradeshow and pretend everything's hot and ready for action, but it's misleading at best.

We're focusing on mainstream developer scenarios to start with (esp. Ruby, Java, Python, etc); we'll get to more advanced, esoteric, and exotic technologies later.

FWIW, many core Linux tools (e.g. tar, gzip/gunzip) work* well, and tools like gcc/g++, Mono and CMake work* well in current insiders builds.

* By "work", we mean, they work in our scenario testing. If you find issues, please log bugs at https://aka.ms/winbashgithub.

I'm running the latest insider build. The bugs reported are based on personal experience and I verified they were currently open on GitHub as well before I posted. Tar hangs, cmake can't find a compiler, Valgrind goes nuts, and mono doesn't run. This is right at the top of the current issue list on GitHub with Microsoft annotations confirming the bugs.

I do what I can to report issues but frankly I do pretty basic development and hit an immediate brick wall with this stuff. I can't believe I'm celebrating Cygwin both for stability and breadth of packages. It's nuts.

I don't expect you guys to demo tensorflow. I'm simply saying that getting Redis limping borders on false prophecy.

"He's welcome to run the same redis demo he does every tradeshow and pretend everything's hot and ready for action, but it's misleading at best."

Here, I just built TensorFlow on my Surface while sitting here in an airport. Here's a screenshot: http://i.imgur.com/WlNNuVt.png

I'll try some more complex TensorFlow examples on the plane.

I'm sorry you're having (or had) issues with the build on your machine, but your negativity is kind of a bummer. We're happy to help chase down filed bugs.

writev() still doesn't work, Scott. That breaks countless tools, often subtly. The fix somehow didn't make it into the latest insider build.

My solution? Wait for Windows update to change every Windows component, in hopes that I can then maybe run cmake in a console window.

Like I said, I appreciate the recent progress, but this is exactly the type of goofy situation you used to jump up and down about years ago.

Who are you?

UPDATE: Looks like the TensorFlow minst (no GPU) test data set works: http://i.imgur.com/n4zDz3a.png

Have you got any example tar files that definitely hang on the latest build? I'm sure I've been able to tar -xf on the first and current builds.

I did a "make dist" and then tried to untar. It hung two builds ago. This build it hangs -- or worse, the files are corrupted. It's sort of ridiculous.

EDIT: Maybe it's bug #313? Anyway the Microsoft I used to know wouldn't release stuff like this. Step 1 fire all the testers. Step 2 "let the community vote." Step 3 is not profit.


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