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Yeah, no debacle whatsoever.

And Scott, don't forget to give F# some love here, especially being as it is not on Roslyn and it's important its project system stay current with whatever son of MSBUILD becomes.

When .NET Core really starts to take hold outside of the Windows environment, and it will, there are people in those environments looking for a better functional-first programming solution than what they have, and it will be F#.

Totally agree on F#. I'm 100% paying attention to C#, VB, and F# and making sure everyone kicks butt.

Totally honest question: in the world of Javascript, Python, Ruby, etc. is Visual Basic still relevant? I understand the desire to have it around to drag VB devs to .NET, but is there a market anymore? Wouldn't it be better to just throw it overboard and focus on C# / F# and maybe Typescript as a JS superset?

There's one pretty cool feature that VB.Net has that C#/F# don't and that's an XML literal syntax... I wrote a service interface to a Flex client a few years ago (also having an XML literal syntax) and it was pretty nice going. Of course E4X didn't take hold and the syntax didn't make it into C#, but it was nice at the time.

These days I'd lean towards JSON.Net before anything XML based if I can avoid it. WCF could use a little love too.

Pretty much.

For example, we have a customer in health care area, where many of their researchers are using VB.NET for prototyping.

The type of stuff people on HN would use Python or R for, they use VB.NET.

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