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Maybe my C# dev bias is showing, but I have to second SHanselman's question: what debacle? They've been working on it solidly for a couple of years now with good progress and transparency in the Github repositories. Hell, MS is even putting their C# language design meeting notes online - you'd have never seen something like that 10 years ago.

If you're talking about the tooling not being ready, I think this is a far better outcome than just holding off release until all the tooling is ready. I'll personally be sticking with ASP.NET 4.6 for a while, but once we've got a stable VS integration, probably move at some point.

You've been working with .NET core for a couple of years? And found it solid? It was announced 17 months ago and it's been a frustrating clusterfuck to follow, with the product and the core tools themselves renamed at least twice.

C# guy here! Love .NET! And found the open development wankery around .NET core (or whatever they finally call it) incredibly frustrating.

EDIT: Putting strategy documents online, documentation online, and then throwing it away isn't helpful. Maybe you dig the churn. Maybe that's why you're sticking with .NET 4.6. If you're in the trenches trying to build stuff against these bits (especially after they were called RC), you may have a different opinion on the impact of the way this was handled.

>You've been working on .NET core for years? And found it solid?

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