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> Check out OpenBSD's pledge, it's addressing precisely this problem.

Au contraire.

You can fork(), restrict yourself to a couple of pipes in a subprocess, pledge(), do the calculation in the subprocess, and exit the subprocess. It'll work, and it'll be slow. But this isn't at all specific to pledge() -- seccomp can do exactly the same thing, arguably more simply. Performance will suck either way.

<rant>I have yet to see a credible argument for how pledge() is better than seccomp. You could almost implement pledge() as a library function that uses seccomp, and the I consider the one part of pledge (execve behavior) that this won't get right to be a misfeature in pledge<./rant>

The performance of that scheme will be abysmal for anything that does very fine-grained sandboxing. What you want is language support. E (erights.org) does this as a matter of course. Rust and similar languages could if they were to allow subsetting of globally accessible objects. Java and .NET tried to do this and fell utterly flat.

I've considered trying to get a nice Linux feature to do this kind of sandboxing with kernel help (call a function that can only write to a certain memory aperture without the overhead of forking every time), and maybe I'll get this working some day.

There are several differences, eg pledge is not inherited by exec, while seccomp is. Also seccomp is vastly more complex and it is not really possible to filter by eg filename, so you need additional tools.

You could indeed implement pledge as a seccomp wrapper, pledge wins because its near trivial to add to programs.

Isn't intel's new memory protection keys feature intended to allow exactly this sort of thing?

Nope. Intel's MPX is an opt-in thing to assist with pointer bounds checking.

I was thinking of MPK, not MPX.

You'd set the library's code and data pages to protection key 1, along with the page containing a library access trampoline, leaving the rest of the address space with protection key 0. You'd call into the library through the trampoline, which would revoke access to protection key 0, call into the library, then restore access to key 0.

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