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at what point will you be able to focus solely on the software, assuming that's what you want to do?

In the last few months, my focus has been 90% on the software.

What I did with the dealership is Im more or less, followed the advice in E-Myth (http://www.amazon.com/E-Myth-Revisited-Small-Businesses-Abou...) and created position contracts for all our employees (7 of them now.) This has cut my involvement in the dealership tremendously. Now, I only put out fires, make sure management is going smoothly and handle some of the accounting.

At the head of the dealership is my brother, whom I trust. He makes sure that all manuals are updated and are followed. I make sure his position contract is followed.

This way of doing things will be much harder if you don't have a partner that you can trust to handle his part. Specially when things start growing.

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