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Ns: single-command static hosting (zeit.co)
54 points by mindrun on April 29, 2016 | hide | past | favorite | 15 comments

Neat. I'm an extremely happy customer of Surge.sh. Good to see other options in that space.

Thanks for the props! For those who don't know https://surge.sh is single command static hosting serving over 28k projects.

+1 on Surge

Is now the new Nodejitsu?

Still waiting to hear back about pricin/subscription for zeit's now

Maybe this helps you: https://zeit.co/now#pricing

No, I mean I've actually emailed to subscribe and they replied with

> Please stay tuned

How is this different than, say:

    python -m SimpleHTTPServer

It's exactly the same, just running on a host, publicly accessible.

So it's the same as:

    python -m SimpleHTTPServer 8000 && ngrok http 8000

As I understand it, it runs the app on their server, not on your local machine.

Oh interesting, thanks

`micro-list` is more comparable to that, which we just open-sourced: https://github.com/zeit/micro-list

Simple static server + ngrok

How does dns work with now?

We're introducing `now alias` to handle any alternative domains to the links you receive :)

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