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Secrets about numbers (numbergossip.com)
28 points by t3rcio on March 1, 2010 | hide | past | favorite | 12 comments

I wonder what percentage of queries is 42?

Nice one. I entered 3.14, but the results page didn't mention anything about PI. Looks like it just rounds the entered number. Pity! :) But it's still cool!

Interesting page, the rest of the site is good reading too.

I tend to use Wolfram Alpha quite a lot for this: e.g. http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=3.14

Definitely, me too. I just thought it would be a good first test to just enter the first digits of PI. :)

I thought the obvious first number to try was 69..

It also wont say anything about sqrt(-1) :(

sqrt(-1) doesn't exist and i isn't a number, is it?

I tried that one too (3.141 actually); then I tried 'pi', but it told me to check Google.

Awww, "I'm sure 1234567890 is a fine number, but I do not yet know any interesting gossip about numbers bigger than 9999." And I agree with zoba, "i" would've been a good one to include.

Given that the number properties are based off things that can be calculated from the number, why is there such a small limit? I mean, preventing 500-digit numbers makes sense for sheer computational difficulty, but only 4 digits?

I'm sure 0 is a fine number, but I only like to talk about positive things.

Very nice page. More on her page http://www.tanyakhovanova.com/

And her son got his MIT CS PHD last year - with Sussman as his advisor.

PDF of the thesis: http://dspace.mit.edu/bitstream/handle/1721.1/49525/MIT-CSAI...

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