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I think as the technical part of the population, we have the opportunity now to greatly change the structure of the world.

Government can be largely replaced by software. (just thinking long term here)

Democracy can be more pure. Corruption can be controlled. Economies can be stabilized and better planned. Environmental resources can be better managed.

We've got a lot more work to do past sharing images & allowing chats (though look at the massive affect of just those things)

Printing press changed the scale, idea and goal of government. Very slowly though because it changed _societies_, not actual rulers.

It may be that it takes 1-2 centuries to software-ize our govs.

And are we so sure it would be more efficient? GitHub as a constitution would be a blessing and a curse.

Which functions of government can be replaced by software specifically? Making laws? Interpreting them? Diplomacy??

I think as the technical part of the population we tend to be overoptimistic about technical solutions, which then get steamrolled by the real world's existing power structures.

One obvious one is the gathering of feedback and debate about decisions. Governments barely encourage that today, except when they have dumb petition sites and the like, but there's no real reason why they couldn't.

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