Thank you for your tip and contributions to open signal. I appreciate that you want to get encryption into as many hands as possible, even if circumstances may not be ideal.
My primary concern here is a long con. Everything is probably okay now, but after a while, people will stop looking and verifying. With WhatsApp keeping source closed, it makes that period of time shorter, I think. I will try to work your suggestion into my job :) If I'm paid to do it, I can keep doing it indefinitely, even working on tools to automate it.
My primary concern here is a long con. Everything is probably okay now, but after a while, people will stop looking and verifying. With WhatsApp keeping source closed, it makes that period of time shorter, I think. I will try to work your suggestion into my job :) If I'm paid to do it, I can keep doing it indefinitely, even working on tools to automate it.