I understand; I just think you're being a little harsh on the OP, even if their language was a bit exuberant. They said they tried Atom and found it too slow, so if VSC was the first "3rd gen editor" (a term I just made up) that was usable in their workflow, then for them, it is a revolution. Assume good faith when comments are ambiguous :)
Yep, that's what I meant, earlier I didn't have such an awesome text editor with git inbuilt, eclipse is clunky and stuff, vi and emacs are too hard to learn, didn't have that much time to learn every small stuff that vi can do, so vscode changed the way I write code, and for most of the "new" developers, it will change the way they write code, gone are the days when you are staring at the screen wondering what was that shortcut. at least for developing webapps
Eclipse is not a code editor. It's an IDE. It offers a bazillion things out of the box (a lot of it that VS doesn't do without Resharper), but you're going to pay the price in terms of performance and RAM, sure.
I do use vi, it is amazing, but if I want to develop a large web app then I'd rather use vscode and use vi when I am in the geek mode and don't have to manage a lot of files. Thanks for the tip :)