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I'm Over Tech People (michaelochurch.wordpress.com)
19 points by wskinner on April 11, 2016 | hide | past | favorite | 8 comments

No comprendo? A few of his posts have been interesting, but as he mentions he's a little too wrapped up in SV and himself. A few months in a far off land would help. I'm planning a trip to Nepal later this year if he's interested. ;)

Seriously, as one who recognizes the indicators, this guy needs help. I mean, everything about his career implosion and general public disdain, complete rejection of society, etc. is his own creation. If reading this Michael, without malice, please get help.

The negative reddit comments were weird and does conform to his analysis there's a ring of people doing it.

Ha, getting hateful comments on reddit is pretty common. Not to downplay whatever is going on here, but I've found reddit to be pretty vile a lot of the time.

Well, and to be honest, at this point he reads like a delusional paranoid. Not sure what got him there, but he needs help either with the tone or an underlying cause. Needs to bring reason back into the tone and discussion and quit escalating. Whether that involves professional help or a long, quiet vacation somewhere without internet, I hope he does it.

Totaly agree. I did not read Michael's earlier posts but there is definitly missing some reason in his words. Looks like he is slowly slipping into crazy land.

(i have never met Michael Church nor have i ever had any direct communication with him.) I have read a few of his essays and each was thoughtful, tightly reasoned, and clearly evidenced an emotional stake in the subject matter. I'm not sure there's anything abnormal about someone expressing their frustration over X in proportion to their contribution to change/improve X.

Whatever happened behind the scenes in SV, Michael has given good advice over the years, and I'm grateful for it. I think I'd have been for the worse if I hadn't stumbled onto Michael's comments on the startup industry years ago.

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